Limit Number of Cargo Build Jobs

Limit Number of Cargo Build Jobs #

You can limit the number of jobs that cargo spawns by setting the -j or --jobs option in the command line, or by setting the jobs key in the .cargo/config file.

Option 1: Command Line You can specify the number of jobs directly in the command line when you run cargo. For example, if you want to limit it to 4 jobs, you can do:

cargo build -j 4

Option 2: Configuration File You can also set the number of jobs in the .cargo/config file. If this file doesn’t exist, you can create it in your project directory or in your home directory for a global setting. Here’s how you can set it to 4 jobs:

jobs = 4

Remember to replace 4 with the number of jobs you want cargo to use. This setting will then be used for all future cargo commands in your project.

Please note that limiting the number of jobs might slow down the compilation process, but it can also reduce the system load and make your computer more responsive during the compilation. It’s all about finding the right balance for your specific needs and system capabilities.