
bytemuck #

The bytemuck crate is a Rust library that provides a safe and zero-cost way to transmute data between different types, which can be useful when working with low-level systems programming or interacting with libraries that expect data in a specific layout.

NOTE: Some of these examples require the derive cargo feature!

Casting Basics #

The crate offers five basic casting functions:

  • cast: For casting values of type T.
  • cast_ref: For casting references &T.
  • cast_mut: For casting mutable references &mut T.
  • cast_slice: For casting slices &[T].
  • cast_slice_mut: For casting mutable slices &mut [T].

Using cast to transmute a u32 to an f32 #

fn casting_example() {
    use bytemuck::cast;

    let x: u32 = 0x3f800000;
    let y: f32 = cast(x); // y == 1.0

    assert_eq!(y, 1.0);
    println!("x: {x} y: {y}");

Casting a reference to a different type #

fn cast_ref_example() {
    use bytemuck::{ cast_ref, Pod, Zeroable };

    #[derive(Copy, Clone, Pod, Zeroable)]
    struct Point {
        x: f32,
        y: f32,

    let point = Point { x: 1.0, y: 2.0 };
    let point_ref: &Point = &point;
    let raw_bytes: &[u8; std::mem::size_of::<Point>()] = cast_ref(point_ref);
    assert_eq!(raw_bytes, &[0, 0, 128, 63, 0, 0, 0, 64]);
    println!("Raw bytes: {raw_bytes:?}");

Casting a mutable slice #

fn cast_slice_mut_example() {
    use bytemuck::{ cast_slice_mut, Pod, Zeroable };

    #[derive(Copy, Clone, Pod, Zeroable, Debug, PartialEq)]
    struct Color {
        r: u8,
        g: u8,
        b: u8,
        a: u8,

    let mut colors = [
        Color { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 255 },
        Color { r: 0, g: 255, b: 0, a: 255 },
    println!("Original colors: {colors:?}");

    let color_slice: &mut [Color] = &mut colors;
    let bytes_slice: &mut [u8] = cast_slice_mut(color_slice);
    // Modify the color values through the byte slice
    bytes_slice[0] = 128; // Change the red component of the first color

    assert_eq!(colors, [
        Color { r: 128, g: 0, b: 0, a: 255 },
        Color { r: 0, g: 255, b: 0, a: 255 },
    println!("Modified colors: {colors:?}");

Using try_cast for fallible casting #

fn try_cast_example() {
    use bytemuck::{ try_cast, Pod, Zeroable };

    #[derive(Copy, Clone, Pod, Zeroable, Debug)]
    struct Vertex {
        position: [f32; 3],
        tex_coords: [f32; 2],

    let vertex_data = [0.0f32; 5]; // Some vertex data
    match try_cast::<[f32; 5], Vertex>(vertex_data) {
        Ok(vertex) => println!("Vertex: {vertex:?}"),
        Err(e) => eprintln!("Failed to cast: {e:?}"),