
NeoVim #


Commands #

diw #

This stands for “delete inner word”. It deletes the word under the cursor, but leaves any surrounding spaces

diW #

This is similar to diw, but it operates on a “Word” instead of a “word”. In Vim, a “Word” is a sequence of non-blank characters, separated with white space, and it includes punctuation. So, diW would delete the “Word” under the cursor, including punctuation, but leave any surrounding spaces.

daw #

This stands for “delete a word”. It deletes the word under the cursor and any trailing space. If there’s no trailing space, it deletes the leading space.

ciw #

This stands for “change inner word”. It deletes the word under the cursor and puts you in insert mode, ready to type the replacement.

caw #

This stands for “change a word”. It deletes the word under the cursor and any trailing space, then puts you in insert mode.

yaw #

This stands for “yank a word”. It copies the word under the cursor and any trailing space.

yiw #

This stands for “yank inner word”. It copies the word under the cursor.

viw #

This stands for “visual select inner word”. It visually selects the word under the cursor.

vaw #

This stands for “visual select a word”. It visually selects the word under the cursor and any trailing space.