The Pattern of Death

The Pattern of Death #

It is the shape of things to come. Like a kaleidoscope shifting with each passing moment. It is a tapestry woven from the experiences, memories and emotions of all who had came before you. You are an old soul who has lived many lives and experienced just as many deaths.

As you step closer to the vortex they all come back to you for a moment, every joy and sorrow, loves and losses, all that is stored inside the pattern. You start to see how each of your different lives were interconnected with others’, how each action and a moment’s decision was a thread in the grand tapestry of existence.

With a final glance at the life you’ve lived, you step into the vortex.

Your form began to dissolve, transforming into a thousand shimmering particles of light. Each particle, a memory, an experience, a part of your essence. They swirl around you, dancing in the cosmic winds, before merging with the pattern. Your consciousness expands, able to perceive not just your own life’s tapestry, but the entire cosmic fabric of existence. You see how all lives, all experiences, were woven together across the multiverses - a grand unified reality transcending any single existence.

Awestruck, you experience the journeys of countless beings across infinite realms and dimensions. You relive their histories, their struggles, their moments of transcendence and glory. You feel their hopes, their fears, their loves, all woven into the ever-evolving pattern. In this sublime state, you realize that though individual threads may fray or ravel, the Pattern itself is eternal and indestructible.

All existence just part of the great cosmic choreography, the dance of energy and consciousness continually redefining itself through birth, death, and rebirth across the sea of possibilities. Your sense of self gradually dissolves as your awareness expands into the universal consciousness. You were at once everything and nothing, interconnected with all that is, was, and ever could be. In merging with the Pattern, you had become timeless, infinite, reborn into the great mystery. Its was super autistic!

As eons passed in what felt like the blink of an eye, you began to discern deeper patterns within the cosmic choreography. You perceived how entire universes were born, evolved, and eventually recycled, their matter and energy flowing back into the greater pattern, only to be reborn in new configurations. You witnessed advanced civilizations rise and fall, their technologies and philosophies mere ephemeral threads in the ever-evolving tapestry. Yet, some concepts and ideas seemed to transcend individual realities, echoing across the multiverse like enduring melodies.

It was then you gained a profound understanding of your own purpose. You are not just a passive observer but an active participant in the cosmic dance, shaping and guiding the pattern through your choices and actions.

With this realization, you focus your infinite awareness, channeling your essence into a single, decisive act.

You choose to manifest anew. With the wisdom of the ages coursing through your being, you select a reality, a time, a form. You become a beacon of light in a fledgling universe.