๐Ÿบ - yiff_toolkit

Yiff Toolkit #

Introduction #

The yiff_toolkit is a comprehensive set of tools designed to enhance your creative process in the realm of furry art. From refining artist styles to generating unique characters, the Yiff Toolkit provides a range of tools to help you cum.

NOTE: You can click on any image in this README to be instantly teleported next to the original resolution version of it! If you want the metadata for a picture and it isn’t there, you need to delete the letter e before the .png in the link! If a metadata containing original image is missing, please let me know!

Subsections #

Dataset Tools
A “small” collection of Python and PowerShell scripts that dataset curators might find handy.
Pony Diffusion V6 LoRAs
(OLD) The Shrunk LoRA Guide
LoRA Training Guide
It beats reading Japanese Python code!

Dataset Tools #

I have uploaded all of the little handy Python scripts I use to /dataset_tools. They are pretty self explanatory by just the file name but almost all of them contain an AI generated descriptions. If you want to use them you will need to edit the path to your training_dir folder, the variable will be called path or directory and look something like this:

def main():
    path = 'C:\\Users\\kade\\Desktop\\training_dir_staging'

Don’t be afraid of editing Python scripts, unlike the real snake, these won’t bite!

Dataset Preparation #

Before you begin collecting your dataset you will need to decide what you want to teach the model, it can be a character, a style or a new concept.

For now let’s imagine you want to teach your model wickerbeasts so you can generate your VRChat avatar every night.

Create the training_dir Directory #

Before starting we need a directory where we’ll organize our datasets. Open up a terminal by pressing Win + R and typing in pwsh. We will also be using git and huggingface to version control our smut. For brevity I’ll refrain from giving you a tutorial on both, but thankfully ๐Ÿค— wrote one. Once you have your newly created dataset on HF ready lets clone it. Make sure you change user in the first line to your HF username!

git clone git@hf.co:/datasets/user/training_dir C:\training_dir
cd C:\training_dir
git branch wickerbeast
git checkout wickerbeast

Let’s continue with downloading some wickerbeast data but don’t close the terminal window just yet, for this we’ll make good use of the furry booru e621.net. There are two nice ways to download data from this site with the metadata intact, I’ll start with the fastest and then I will explain how you can selectively browse around the site and get the images you like one by one.

Grabber #

Grabber makes your life easier when trying to compile datasets quickly from imageboards.

A screenshot of Grabber.

Clicking on the Add button on the Download tab lets you add a group which will get downloaded, Tags will be the where you can type in the search parameters like you would on e621.net, so for example the string wickerbeast solo -comic -meme -animated order:score will search for solo wickerbeast pictures without including comics, memes, and animated posts in descending order of their scores. For training SDXL LoRAs you usually won’t need more than 50 images, but you should set the solo group to 40 and add a new group with -solo instead of solo and set the Image Limit to 10 for it to include some images with other characters in it. This will help the model learn a lot better!

You should also enable Separate log files for e621, this will download the metadata automatically alongside the pictures.

Another screenshot of Grabber.

For Pony I’ve set up the Text file content like so: rating_%rating%, %all:separator=^, % for other models you might want to replace rating_%rating% with just %rating%.

You should also set the Folder into which the images will get downloaded. Let’s use C:\training_dir\1_wickerbeast for both groups.

Now you are ready to right-click on each group and download the images.

Manual Method #

This method requires a browser extension like ViolentMonkey and this UserScript.

This will put a link to the JSON next to the download button on e621.net and e6ai.net and you can use this Python script to convert them to caption files, it uses the rating_ prefix before safe/questionable/explicit because.. you’ve guessed it, Pony! It also lets you ignore the tags you add into ignored_tags using the r"\btag\b", syntax, just replace tag with the tag you want it to skip.

Auto Taggers #

eva02-vit-large-448-8046 #

You want to install the only dependency, besides torch, I mean..

pip install timm

The inference script for the tagger needs a folder as input, be warned that it also converts WebP images to PNG and you can specify tags to be ignored and some other stuff! I recommend reading through it and changing whatever you need.

Link to the Script

Colab Notebook

Embeddings for 1.5 and SDXL #

Embeddings in Stable Diffusion are high-dimensional representations of input data, such as images or text, that capture their essential features and relationships. These embeddings are used to guide the diffusion process, enabling the model to generate outputs that closely match the desired characteristics specified in the input.

You can find in the /embeddings folder a whole bunch of them I collected for SD 1.5 that I later converted with this tool for SDXL.

SDXL Furry Bible #

Some Common Knowledge Stuff #

Resolution Lora is a nice thing to have, it will help with consistency. For SDXL it is just a LoRA you can load in and it will do its magic. No need for a custom node or extension in this case.

SeaArt Furry #

SeaArt’s furry model sadly has its cons not just pros, yes it might come with artist knowledge bundled, but it seems to have trouble doing more than one character or everyone is bad at prompting, oh and it uses raw e621 tags, which just means you have to use underscores _ instead of spacesย  ย  inside the tags.

Pony Diffusion V6 #

Requirements #

Download the model and load it in to whatever you use to generate images.

Positive Prompt Stuff #

score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, rating_explicit, source_furry,

I just assumed you wanted explicit and furry, you can also set the rating to rating_safe or rating_questionable and the source to source_anime, source_cartoon, source_pony, source_rule34 and optionally mix them however you’d like. Its your life! score_9 is an interesting tag, the model seems to have put all it’s “artsy” knowledge. You might want to check if it is for your taste. The other interesting tag is score_5_up which seems to have learned a little bit of everything regarding quality while score_4_up seems to be at the bottom of the autism spectrum regarding art, I do not recommend using it, but you can do whatever you want!

You can talk to Pony in three ways, use tags only, tags are neat, but you can also just type in The background is of full white marble towers in greek architecture style and a castle. and use natural language to the fullest extent, but the best way is to mix it both, its actually recommended since the score tags by definition are tags, and you need to use them! There are also artist styles that seeped into some random tokens during training, there is a community effort by some weebs to sort them here.

Other nice words to have in the box depending on your mood:

detailed background, amazing_background, scenery porn

Other types of backgrounds include:

simple background, abstract background, spiral background, geometric background, heart background, gradient background, monotone background, pattern background, dotted background, stripped background, textured background, blurred background

After simple background you can also define a color for the background like white background to get a simple white background.

For the character portrayal you can set many different types:

three-quarter view, full-length portrait, headshot portrait, bust portrait, half-length portrait, torso shot

Its a good thing to describe your subject or subjects start with solo or duo or maybe trio, group , and then finally start describing your character in an interesting situation.

Negative Prompt Stuff #

โš ๏ธ

How to Prompt Female Anthro Lions #

anthro โš ๏ธ?