10 Minute LoRA Training for the Ultimate Degenerates

10 Minute SDXL LoRA Training for the Ultimate Degenerates #

Introduction #

This method is a short, no hand-holding "guide" that describes a super-experimental method of training an SDXL LoRA in 80 steps, it works with both Pony Diffusion V6 XL and CompassMix XL and probably a few more others. The "10 Minute" in the title is just click bait, the training time will depend on your dataset and step size and how long ago your dad bought you your GPU, but it is pretty frigging fast! The 80 steps apply to characters and styles with 40 to 200 images in the dataset without any scaling issues, you will only need to adjust the output name between trainings! 😸 (⚠️: I still need to test more weird and complex stuff!)

Setup and Training #

First, you’ll need to get my fork of sd-scripts, or just get the optimizer specific changes in your fork. The way you can do that is described here, but instead of the optimizer on that page, we’ll use this one.

git clone https://github.com/ka-de/sd-scripts -b dev

The training settings I use are the following:

accelerate launch --num_cpu_threads_per_process=2  "./sdxl_train_network.py" \
    --pretrained_model_name_or_path=/models/ponyDiffusionV6XL_v6StartWithThisOne.safetensors \
    --train_data_dir=/training_dir \
    --resolution="1024,1024" \
    --output_dir="/output_dir" \
    --output_name="yifftoolkit-schnell" \
    --enable_bucket \
    --min_bucket_reso=256 \
    --max_bucket_reso=2048 \
    --network_alpha=4 \
    --save_model_as="safetensors" \
    --network_module="lycoris.kohya" \
    --network_args \
               "preset=full" \
               "conv_dim=256" \
               "conv_alpha=4" \
               "rank_dropout=0" \
               "module_dropout=0" \
               "use_tucker=False" \
               "use_scalar=False" \
               "rank_dropout_scale=False" \
               "algo=locon" \
               "dora_wd=False" \
               "train_norm=False" \
    --network_dropout=0 \
    --lr_scheduler="cosine" \
    --lr_scheduler_args="num_cycles=0.375" \
    --learning_rate=0.0003 \
    --unet_lr=0.0003 \
    --text_encoder_lr=0.0001 \
    --network_dim=8 \
    --no_half_vae \
    --flip_aug \
    --save_every_n_steps=1 \
    --mixed_precision="bf16" \
    --save_precision="fp16" \
    --cache_latents \
    --cache_latents_to_disk \
    --optimizer_type=ClybW \
    --max_grad_norm=1 \
    --max_data_loader_n_workers=8 \
    --bucket_reso_steps=32 \
    --multires_noise_iterations=12 \
    --multires_noise_discount=0.4 \
    --log_prefix=xl-locon \
    --log_with=tensorboard \
    --logging_dir=/output_dir/logs \
    --gradient_accumulation_steps=6 \
    --gradient_checkpointing \
    --train_batch_size=8 \
    --dataset_repeats=1 \
    --shuffle_caption \
    --max_train_steps=80 \
    --sdpa \
    --caption_extension=".txt" \
    --sample_prompts=/training_dir/sample-prompts.txt \
    --sample_sampler="euler_a" \

I highly recommend setting the --sample_every_n_steps to 1 at least once in your life so you can see how fast and what the LoRA learns, it is a sight to behold!

Shrinking #

Resize with resize_lora.

python resize_lora.py -r fro_ckpt=1,thr=-3.55 {model_path} {lora_path}

Chopping #

In the git repository of resize_lora you’ll find a cute little Python script called chop_blocks.py, you can use this to cut the layers out of your LoRA that do not contain any information about the character/style/concept you have trained.

When you run it, with the following arguments on the LoRA you trained (not the resized one)

python chop_blocks.py {lora_path} 

You’ll be treated to this cryptic output that tells you which blocks contain how many layers:

INFO: Blocks layout:
INFO:   [ 0]  input_blocks.1 layers=9
INFO:   [ 1]  input_blocks.2 layers=9
INFO:   [ 2]  input_blocks.3 layers=3
INFO:   [ 3]  input_blocks.4 layers=78
INFO:   [ 4]  input_blocks.5 layers=75
INFO:   [ 5]  input_blocks.6 layers=3
INFO:   [ 6]  input_blocks.7 layers=318
INFO:   [ 7]  input_blocks.8 layers=315
INFO:   [ 8]  middle_block.0 layers=9
INFO:   [ 9]  middle_block.1 layers=306
INFO:   [10]  middle_block.2 layers=9
INFO:   [11] output_blocks.0 layers=318
INFO:   [12] output_blocks.1 layers=318
INFO:   [13] output_blocks.2 layers=321
INFO:   [14] output_blocks.3 layers=78
INFO:   [15] output_blocks.4 layers=78
INFO:   [16] output_blocks.5 layers=81
INFO:   [17] output_blocks.6 layers=12
INFO:   [18] output_blocks.7 layers=12
INFO:   [19] output_blocks.8 layers=12
INFO: Vector string : "1,INP01,INP02,INP03,INP04,INP05,INP06,INP07,INP08,MID00,MID01,MID02,OUT00,OUT01,OUT02,OUT03,OUT04,OUT05,OUT06,OUT07,OUT08"
INFO: Pass through layers: 264

For example, to cut out everything but OUT01 or output_blocks.1 you would have to use:

python chop_blocks.py {⚠️resized⚠️_lora_path} 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

Because the first number in the vector string is just for compatibility with a ComfyUI node I will mention in the next paragraph, you can forget about it, the next number after it is input_blocks.1!

In order for you to check which block contains what information I greatly recommend you install ComfyUI-Inspire-Pack and use the Lora Loader (Block Weight) node!

A screenshot of the Lora Loader node

Make sure you set control_after_generate to fixed!

You can also use the presets in there to check all IN, OUT or MID blocks, but the juicy stuff is mostly going to be in OUT1.

Once you have figured out which blocks you want to keep, chop up the LoRA you just resized, and send your teeny-tiny LoRA to your friends on Discord without paying for Nitro! 😹