ComfyUI_frontend Progress Bars
On this page
The image depicts an anthropomorphic wolf dressed as a wizard, wearing a flowing purple robe and a matching wide-brimmed, pointed hat. The character has white fur, green eyes, and a focused expression while stirring a large black cauldron filled with a glowing, vibrant purple liquid using a ladle. The scene is set in an alchemy or potion-making environment, featuring wooden shelves in the background stocked with ceramic vases and containers. The surrounding stone walls and soft ambient lighting contribute to the mystical atmosphere, while a faint magical aura emanates from the cauldron, enhancing the arcane theme of the composition.

Progress Bars for ComfyUI


This is a patch to GraphCanvasMenu and an implementation of ProgressBars for the ComfyUI frontend which adds two progress bars to the UI.


The implementation adds two distinct progress bars to the ComfyUI interface. The first is a Workflow Progress Bar that shows the overall workflow execution progress, while the second is a Node Progress Bar that displays the progress of the currently executing node.

These progress bars are carefully designed with user experience in mind - they maintain a non-intrusive presence with minimal heights of 2px and 1px respectively, adapt seamlessly to both light and dark themes, and automatically hide themselves when the system is idle to keep the interface clean and uncluttered.

Implementation Details

Component Structure

The progress bars are implemented as a Vue component (GraphProgressBars.vue) that gets mounted alongside the main canvas. This component provides the core structure needed to display and manage the progress indicators in the UI.

The component is built with a container div that houses both progress bars, along with their respective fill indicators, and utilizes reactive bindings to the execution store to enable real-time progress tracking during workflow execution.

Progress Bar States

The progress bars respond to three main states from the execution store:

  • executionProgress: Overall workflow progress (0-100%)
  • executingNodeProgress: Current node progress (0-100%)
  • isIdle: Whether any processing is happening

Visual Design

The progress bars incorporate smooth transitions with a 0.2s ease-out animation, and feature a visual hierarchy through different heights - the workflow bar at 2px and the node bar at 1px. They also utilize distinct colors to differentiate their purposes, with the workflow progress shown in blue (#3498db) and node progress displayed in green (#2ecc71).

The progress bars are designed to be theme-sensitive, with backgrounds that adapt based on the UI theme - using semi-transparent black in light theme and semi-transparent white in dark theme. This ensures optimal visibility regardless of the user’s theme preference.


To add the progress bars to your ComfyUI installation:

  1. Apply the patch to your GraphCanvas.vue:

    patch -p1 < GraphCanvasMenu_progressbars.patch
  2. Add the GraphProgressBars.vue component to your project’s components directory: src/components/graph/GraphProgressBars.vue

  3. Rebuild the frontend.


The progress bars will automatically appear when:

  • A workflow is executing (top bar)
  • Individual nodes are processing (bottom bar)

They automatically hide when the system returns to an idle state, keeping your interface clean when not needed.

Technical Notes

The component leverages Pinia for state management through the executionStore. To ensure the progress bars remain visible above other interface elements, they are positioned absolutely with a z-index of 1000. The implementation uses pointer-events-none to prevent the progress bars from interfering with any UI elements positioned underneath them.

The Code

  • GraphCanvasMenu_progressbars.patch

    diff --git a/src/components/graph/GraphCanvas.vue b/src/components/graph/GraphCanvas.vue
    index 127a6b20..7e6a6840 100644
    --- a/src/components/graph/GraphCanvas.vue
    +++ b/src/components/graph/GraphCanvas.vue
    @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
        <TitleEditor />
        <GraphCanvasMenu v-if="!betaMenuEnabled && canvasMenuEnabled" />
    +    <GraphProgressBars />
        <canvas ref="canvasRef" id="graph-canvas" tabindex="1" />
    <NodeSearchboxPopover />
    @@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ import LiteGraphCanvasSplitterOverlay from '@/components/LiteGraphCanvasSplitter
    import NodeSearchboxPopover from '@/components/searchbox/NodeSearchBoxPopover.vue'
    import NodeTooltip from '@/components/graph/NodeTooltip.vue'
    import NodeBadge from '@/components/graph/NodeBadge.vue'
    +import GraphProgressBars from '@/components/graph/GraphProgressBars.vue'
    import { ref, computed, onMounted, watchEffect, watch } from 'vue'
    import { app as comfyApp } from '@/scripts/app'
    import { useSettingStore } from '@/stores/settingStore'
  • /src/components/graph/GraphProgressBars.vue

    <div class="graph-progress-bars" v-show="!isIdle">
        <!-- Workflow progress bar -->
        <div class="progress-bar workflow-progress">
        <div class="progress-fill" :style="{ width: executionProgress + '%' }" />
        <!-- Node progress bar -->
        class="progress-bar node-progress"
        v-show="executingNodeProgress !== null"
            :style="{ width: executingNodeProgress + '%' }"
    <script setup lang="ts">
    import { useExecutionStore } from '@/stores/executionStore'
    import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia'
    const executionStore = useExecutionStore()
    const { executionProgress, executingNodeProgress, isIdle } =
    <style scoped>
    .graph-progress-bars {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    z-index: 1000;
    pointer-events: none;
    .progress-bar {
    width: 100%;
    height: 2px;
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
    overflow: hidden;
    .progress-bar.node-progress {
    height: 1px;
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);
    .progress-fill {
    height: 100%;
    background: #3498db;
    transition: width 0.2s ease-out;
    .node-progress .progress-fill {
    background: #2ecc71;
    /* Dark theme support */
    :root[data-theme='dark'] .progress-bar {
    background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
    :root[data-theme='dark'] .progress-bar.node-progress {
    background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);