Takes a file path as input and uses Python to read the metadata from a .safetensors
file. It then pretty-prints the metadata contents to the console and saves it next to the LoRA.
The Inspect-Lora function takes a file path as input and uses Python to read the metadata from
a .safetensors file. It then pretty-prints the metadata contents to the console and saves it
next to the LoRA. The file path must be a valid path to a .safetensors file.
Usage Examples:
Inspect-Lora .\path\to\your\file.safetensors
Get-ChildItem -Path "E:\projects\yiff_toolkit" -Filter "*.safetensors" -Recurse | ForEach-Object {Inspect-Lora -filePath $_.FullName}
function Inspect-Lora {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
[switch]$saveJson = $true
$escapedFilePath = $filePath -replace '\\', '\\\\'
$pythonCommand = "import safetensors, json, pprint; metadata = safetensors.safe_open('" + $escapedFilePath + "', 'np').metadata(); pprint.pprint({k: json.loads(v) if v and v[0] in '[{' else v for k, v in metadata.items()}) if metadata is not None else {}"
Start-Process python -ArgumentList "-c", "`"$pythonCommand`"" -NoNewWindow
if ($saveJson) {
$output = Invoke-Expression "python -c `"$pythonCommand`""
$outputJsonPath = [IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($filePath, 'json')
$output | Out-File $outputJsonPath -Force